ICSRA speaks at Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament
November 16, 2018 ICSRA speaks at Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament A delegation from ICSRA spoke on a special meeting in the Lithuanian Parliament on the 16th of November about Planet
November 16, 2018 ICSRA speaks at Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament A delegation from ICSRA spoke on a special meeting in the Lithuanian Parliament on the 16th of November about Planet
October 5, 2018 Members from the Chilean government received PlanetYouth experts earlier this week and want to adopt the prevention model The Chilean government plans to implement the PlanetYouth drug
Ocotber 1, 2018 Prevention day 2018 The picture was taken on a press conference held today, where the major of Reykavík, Dagur B. Eggertsson and the president of Iceland, Guðni
24 September, 2018 ICSRA specialist lectures in Cordoba Argentina Margret Gudmundsdottir, ICSRA specialist at the Congreso de la Red Asistencial de las Adicciones One of ICSRA specialist, Margret Gudmundsdottir, just
September 8 Lessons from Iceland: How one country turned around a teen drinking crisis Inga Dora Sigfusdottir, ICSRA research director at her office in Reykjavik University Dr. Brian Goldman visited
August 14, 2018 Tarragona adoptes Planet Youth’s model Tarragona, a city south of Barcelona, Spain is adopting Planet Youth’s Icelandic model of prevention. Here is a brief message from Humberto
Planet Youth won the Local Drug Demand Reduction Initiative Award 2019, handed out on
the International Conference on Drug Prevention which was held by ISSUP and UNODC
in Vienna Austria the first week of July 2019.
ISSUP, which is the International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals, hands out awards in three categories.
One of them is The local initiative awards which celebrates projects and initiatives in the drug demand reduction field that have had an impact on the national level. Only one winner is selected for this award.