Our Partners

Who do we work with?

We work in primary substance use prevention through a collaborative approach titled “The Icelandic Prevention Model”. Our partners are municipalities, towns, cities, regions and in some cases even whole countries. The focus of the work is on holistic community building and long-term progress rather than standard short-term solutions. 

Active partners

Although the Planet Youth method has been introduced to countless countries since the year 2006 it is actively being implemented or used in  Spain/Catalonia, Lithuania, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, Finland, Estonia, Slovakia, Canada, USA, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Iceland.

As of 2023 the Planet Youth method is being used in hundreds of municipalities and communities in on 5 different continents.

Get to know our partners

Active countries

Three New Countries

We are proud of our partners all over the world. Three of the latest countries we have partnered with are highlighted here below.  


South Africa


Contact us

Planet Youth is located at Lagmuli 6, zip 108, in the heart of the city of Reykjavik, Iceland