Canadian Government Launches Planet Youth Initiative to Combat Youth Substance Use

July 1, 2024 Canadian Government Launches Planet Youth Initiative to Combat Youth Substance Use From left to right: Jon Sigfusson, Chairman of Planet Youth, Pall Rikhardsson, CEO of Planet Youth, the Honorable Ya’ara Saks, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and associate Minister of Health, Trevor Denhartogh, Interim Executive Director of Undercurrent Youth Society No […]

Planet Youth Takes Part in a Conference with the theme of youth violence in Bosnia

June 19, 2024 Planet Youth Takes Part in a Conference with the theme of youth violence in Bosnia In an effort to address the issue of violence among children and youth, our Chief Knowledge officer Margret Lilja Gudmundsdottir, is speaking at the PrevCon conference in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The event, with the theme “Prevention […]

Planet Youth Conference 2024: The Icelandic Prevention Model in Action

April 12, 2024 Planet Youth Conference 2024: The Icelandic Prevention Model in Action The Planet Youth Conference 2024 concluded with great success, leaving a positive impact on attendees and observers alike. Hosted in the small city of Reykjavik, the conference served as an inspiring platform for social leaders, municipality representatives, and innovators from across the […]

The third Guanajuato Conference on Mental Health and Addiction Prevention

Dec 13, 2023 The third Guanajuato Conference on Mental Health and Addiction Prevention was a success The 3rd International Congress on Mental Health and Addiction Prevention, Planet Youth, in Guanajuato, Mexico, was held from November 29 to December 1, 2023. The event attracted over 2,000 participants at the grand Auditorio del Estado in Guanajuato. Speakers […]

The third Conference on Prevention held in Guanajuato Mexico

Nov 8, 2023 The third Conference on Prevention held in Guanajuato The Planet Youth team will be taking part in the 3rd prevention Conference held in Guanajuato Mexico: „Prevención de adicciones“. The Conference will be held from the 29th of November and ends on the 1st of December, which has been made an official Prevention […]

Planet Youth application in the city of Lleida

Oct 27, 2023 Planet Youth application in the city of Lleida DIXIT Lleida Social Services Documentation Center offered on October 6 the conference “The Planet Youth model of community prevention of drug use among adolescents: the application in the city of Lleida. In Catalonia, Planet Youth has partnered with the municipalities of Tarragona, Castellar del […]

Prevention Day and The President and first lady’s visit to Planet Youth

Oct 5, 2023 Prevention Day and The President and first lady’s visit to Planet Youth Planet Youth was honored to receive a visit from the president of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, and his wife, Eliza Reid, at its´ headquarters in Lagmuli, Reykjavik. For the occasion, our chairman, Jon Sigfusson, donned an apron and baked delicious […]

Porcupine Health Unit launches Planet Youth in Timmins, Ontario

August 16, 2023 Porcupine Health Unit launches Planet Youth in Timmins, Ontario Planet Youth has been officially launched in Timmins, Ontario in collaborating with the Porcupine Health Unit. The initiative aims to address substance use and promote positive youth development through data-driven strategies and community engagement. The collaboration with the Porcupine Health Unit brings together […]