Workshop Agenda

Prevention is possible

Workshop based on the Icelandic Prevention Model

During these three days from 6th of March to the 8th of March, participants will get an in-depth knowledge about the Icelandic Evidence-Based Prevention Model from the specialists of ICSRA. At the workshop, participants will also get a chance to meet and have discussions with the people who work in the field of prevention in Iceland. These include the Youth Association, National sports association, the Directorate of health and the National parent’s associations. Related optional study visit included.

After the Workshop participants should have adequate information on the feasibility and next steps for implementation of the model in their communities.

VENUE: Conference Room 2, Natura Hotel Reykjavik Icelandair
ADDRESS: Nautholsvegur, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland 


Jon Sigfusson Workshop Host and operational director of ICSRA 

Day 1

6th of March​


Hotel Natura –
Conference room 2

6th of March



Bryndis Bjork Asgeirsdottir

Senior Scientist – ICSRA

6th-8th of March



Jon Sigfusson

Operational Director of ICSRA

6th of March

09:00 – 09:15

Opening words

Dagur B. Eggertsson

Mayor of Reykjavik

6th of March


Introduction to the model

Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttir

Research Director ICSRA

6th of March


Primary prevention as a building block 

Step-by-step implementation process 

Álfgeir Logi Kristjánsson

Senior Specialist ICSRA

6th of March

(10:00-11:35) and (13-14:30)

The Tarragona experience

Patricia Ros Garcia

Regional Representative
Spain and Latin-America ICSRA

6th of March


Extended use of the Planet Youth Data

Mariano Montenegro

Planet Youth and Chilean public policy

6th of March


Day 2

7th of March


Hotel Natura – 
Conference room 2


7th of March


The Swedish Experience and Community readiness

Håkan Leifman

Regional Director Nordic Countries ICSRA

7th of March


The role of Municipalities in Prevention

Gisli Arni Eggertsson

Municipality prevention specialist ICSRA

7th of March


Chile – first year experience

Carlos F. Ibañez Piña

University of Chile’s coordination team for Planet Youth piloting in Chile

7th of March


The role of sports clubs & sport trainers education

Margret Lilja Gudmundsdottir

Data Specialist ICSRA

7th of March


Extended use of Planet Youth data

Emanuel Adrian Sarbu

Regional Representative Central-Europe ICSRA, Assistant Professor at University of Bucharest

7th of March


What makes the Planet Youth approach different?

An interventionist assessment

Michael J. Mann

Community Intervention Specialist ICSRA

7th of March


For those interested in implementing Planet Youth

Pall Melsted Rikhardsson

Service Development Manager


7th of March


Day 3

8th of March


Hotel Natura – 
Conference room 2



8th of March


School and sports interaction

Ragnhildur Skuladottir

Head of development and education at the National sports association

8th of March


Successful Organization of Youth Work

Audur Thorsteinsdottir

National Youth Organization – Sports for all

8th of March


The Prevention day

Sigridur Kristin Hrafnkelsdottir

Directorate of Health

8th of March


Childrens participation in leisure activities

Gunnar Orn Arnarson

Head of youth activities at Valur sports club

8th of March


How to get parents motivated?

Hrefna Sigurjonsdottir

Director of the Icelandic Parental association

8th of March


School Children in Reykjavik

Sigridur Arndis Johannsdottir

Project Manager – Reykjavik office of welfare

8th of March


Success and development in prevention

Rafn Magnusson

Project manager in the Ministry of health

8th of March


Children and happiness

Thora Jonsdottir

Barnaheill – Save the Children


8th of March


Wrap up and closing

Jon Sigfusson

Director of ICSRA


8th of March


Day 4

9th of March

Study visit for participants. 


The tour starts at Reykjavik Natura hotel. We gather around 9 o‘clock and hop on a bus which will drive us around for approximately four hours.


We will make the first stop on the geothermal man-made beach Nautholsvik, close by Natura. It was opened in 2001 and was an ambitious but very successful project, involving the construction of a lagoon with large seawalls, where cold sea and hot geothermal water fuse together resulting in higher temperatures.


Visit to a sports club
Geothermal water is used to heat various sports facilities around the city and keep them snow free. We will drive from Nautholsvik to one of the sports clubs in Reykjavik and get acquainted with the facility, the setup and everyday management.




90% of Iceland’s homes use hot water to heat up their houses, pavements, and car parks but the hot water is also the key to our outdoor swimming pools which are run the year-round all over the country.


Visit to Hellisheidarvirkjun
To explore where all this heat comes from we will head out for around 20-30 minutes’ drive outside of Reykjavik to the east to visit Hellisheidi power plant, the third largest geothermal power station in the world. It allows us to examine Iceland‘s geothermal energy utilization in a clear and illuminating fashion.


The tour ends at Perlan
From Hellisheidi power plant we will head back to town and end the tour in Perlan museum. In Perlan we will finally cool down from all the heat and roam about a 100 meters long man-made Ice Cave which is the first of its kind in the world. It is built with over 350 tons of snow from the Blue Mountains. As we will wander through the Ice Cave, we will experience a glacial environment in a safe and informative way