Planet Youth - videos

The videos below are all related to Planet Youth program. Top left we present a video produced by the Helsinki University Hospital, were Jon Sigfusson, director of ICSRA, held a motivational speech in November 2018 at the start of their
three year public health program: Hyvä kierre (e. Upswing)


 Other videos were produced in relation to our Workshop held in Tarragona Spain in Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) in 2018 
and aim to capture the spirit of the Planet Youth program which is being implemented in various countries around the world.
The pieces seek to attract attention of youth people talking their same language, fresh and direct.

The producer was Alfonso Llácer Llorca, Creative Director of Alma Audiovisual Agency

Helsinki University Hospital (Hyva kierre) - Jon Sigfusson

Full version: 43:45 min.

Planet Youth - Tarragona Spain, full version

Full version: 8:56 min.

Planet Youth - Tarragona Spain, short version

Short version: 0:23 min.

Planet Youth - Tarragona Spain, short version

Short version: 0:45 min.