Planet Youth application in the city of Lleida

Oct 27, 2023 Planet Youth application in the city of Lleida DIXIT Lleida Social Services Documentation Center offered on October 6 the conference “The Planet Youth model of community prevention of drug use among adolescents: the application in the city of Lleida. In Catalonia, Planet Youth has partnered with the municipalities of Tarragona, Castellar del […]

Prevention Day and The President and first lady’s visit to Planet Youth

Oct 5, 2023 Prevention Day and The President and first lady’s visit to Planet Youth Planet Youth was honored to receive a visit from the president of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, and his wife, Eliza Reid, at its´ headquarters in Lagmuli, Reykjavik. For the occasion, our chairman, Jon Sigfusson, donned an apron and baked delicious […]