November 11, 2021
Planet Youth and the Government of the State of Guanajuato will host The International Congress on Addiction Prevention: “Building a better future for Girls, Boys and Adolescents “. It will be held from November 30th to December 3rd, in the city of León. The congress is co-organized between Planet Youth and the Government of the State of Guanajuato which is the first State to implement the Icelandic Prevention Model in Mexico.
The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhué Rodríguez Vallejo, presented the congress in a press conference in Mexico City on November 9th, where he invited local and international media outlets. The Governor spoke about the Planet Youth prevention model which is being implemented now in 25 municipalities of Guanajuato and it will be implemented in all municipalities of the state in 2022.
This event will present that with the implementation of public policies it is possible to prevent and minimize risk for addictions, using best practices for prevention, where the participation of municipalities, schools, leisure activities, sports clubs, NGO‘s and families is essential.
“The Planet Youth program is a priority. It is the most ambitious project of my government and with the most transcendence; it is a long-term policy. It is a program that will continue for many years in Guanajuato and that will allow us to get the results we need”, said the Governor.
The congress will give access to the actors involved in the prevention of addictions to a valuable platform for dissemination and collaboration and will promote the exchange of experiences in the implementation of Planet Youth around the world.
The Congress will be presented in a hybrid format, face-to-face and virtual format. A total of 1,650 participants from 20 countries are expected to assist on site and many more virtually, with 68 lectures in which speakers from Iceland, the United States, Sweden, Romania, the Netherlands, Ireland, Australia, Chile, Austria, Colombia, Switzerland, Argentina, Lithuania, New Zealand, France, Sri Lanka, Canada, Spain and Mexico will participate.
The themes that will be addressed are “Prevention is possible”, “Public policies in prevention and minimizing risk for addictions”, “Best practices for prevention”, “Participation of young people, fathers and mothers of families” and “Building the model of prevention of addictions locally”.
The participation of 500 young people and 500 parents is expected, supporting the consolidation of the Planet Youth Community in the State.
During this congress, the Governor will sign the executive decree of the “Addiction Prevention Day” for the state of Guanajuato.
To get access to the Congress, prior registration is required. Registration is available in English at and in Spanish at
See the Press Conference on our Youtube Channel.